Starburst Nova is a unicorn NPC standing near the spawn point of Cantermore School. She gives tutorials out to unicorn players, instructing them basic movement and other key features. When spoken to, she appears to be addressing a class, though the courtyard in front of her is largely empty.
- "Alright class, settle down. We have some wonderful work to do!"
- "If you're looking for books, there are two libraries right here in Cantermore, and another in Ponydale!"
"Here you go! Hallowtide, pirates cried, give us sweets to mock their pride! Enjoy your Hallowtide!"
"Oh, of course, [Player Name]! Crypt Keeper knows a lot about Hallowtide; you can find him just outside the back of the Pet Graveyard in the Heartlands. I guess I could tell you myself, but he tells it much better than I can, so you should definitely talk to him!"
"Ah, I'm sorry [Player Name], but I was just cleaned out of candy by a bunch of foals dressed as dread pirates. Check back with me soon, I might have more."
Player Responses[]
"Waves of sweets I request of thee, to mark the pirate's loss at sea. It's Hallowtide! May I please have some candy?"
"I don't know much about Hallowtide, do you know where I can find out more about the holiday?"