Legends of Equestria Wiki

Sunlight armor is the fourth and highest-tier armor available to players. Compared to the moonlight armor its armor and magic resist values are interchanged. All pieces require a combat level of 30 to be equipped. Pieces of the armor are obtainable as rare drops from Lantern Monsters and Dragons in the Evershade Forest and from Haetea in Bramble Woods.

Sunlight Armor

A player wearing a full set of sunlight armor

Icon Name Level Armor Magic Resist Attack
Sunlight Helmet Sunlight Helmet 30 48 16 0
Sunlight Chest Plate Sunlight Chest Plate 30 43 14 0
Sunlight Back Plate Sunlight Back Plate 30 67 17 0
Sunlight Front Legs Sunlight Front Legs 30 25 8 41
Sunlight Back Legs Sunlight Back Legs 30 25 8 41





  • Sunlight armor provides about 1.9 times the armor and 2.42 times the magic resist of the gold armor.
  • In earlier versions of the game the armour was buyable from NPC merchants.
  • Furthermore they also used to boost the wearer's health regen value.