Legends of Equestria Wiki

The Pest Offense is a quest given by Spudnickus Von Winklehammer, Esq..


The player must have graduated to obtain this quest.

Quest initiation[]

The player can start the quest by having a conversation with Spud and offering to help him out. Spud mentions that there has been a lot of missing food in the west field lately, and reckons that he had spotted a beast-like pony out there once which ran away upon seeing him. As Spud was unable to get a closer look or catch the pony beast he mentioned, he requires the player's help to find out what it is.

Journal: Spud thinks he saw a pony beast in the western field of Sweet Apple Orchards. I'm kinda worried about what I'll find there... I hope it's not anything too serious

  • Check the western fields

The pony beast[]

Upon checking the western fields of the farm, it turns out that the pony beast were actually bunnies, and the player would then have to clear out ten of these pests before returning to Spud.

When player discovers the bunnies:

  • Clear out ten pests

After clearing ten pests:

Journal: That should teach them a lesson or two about eating ponies' food! I'll go talk to Spud now and tell him what's been out here.

  • Report back to Spud

Quest completion[]

After clearing ten pests, the player reports back to Spud and explains that the bunnies were the ones behind the missing food, and Spud thanks the player for helping to clear them. Spud will reward the player with his allowance of 75 bits and the player will also gain 50 XP in Combat.


  • When the quest was first introduced, Spud's bit reward was 100 bits.
  • The journal originally mentioned the field being in Sweet Apple Acres, which was the name of Sweet Apple Orchard prior to Open Server Event 1.
    • This has been updated to reflect the area name in-game.
  • Currently, the journal does not have an entry for the completion of the quest.