Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Thirty Minutes or Less is a quest obtained from Storm Chaser in Cloudopolis. It is an easy mission available to all races but pegasi will find it an absolute breeze.

Quest initiation[]

Storm Chaser is a cornflower blue mare, with a purple mane and tail and indigo eyes who can be found sitting on a bench outside the hospital in Cloudopolis.

Storm Chaser needs the player to make a delivery, lickety-split. She gives the player very little information to go on, but the quest marker shows the delivery needs to be made to one of the three possible locations, one of the houses to the west of the central pavilion, close to Summer Breeze's home, the Cloudoseum or the Dojo.

Journal: I've received a package from Storm Chaser. I should probably get going!

  • Get the package to the marked location

Making the delivery[]

Pegasi will have an easier time because it is practically a straight flight. Non-winged ponies will have to run or teleport through Cloudopolis but it is still an easy task. Once at their designated destination, simply walk through the quest marker to advance the quest.

Journal: I'd better go tell Storm Chaser how I did.

  • Return to Storm Chaser

Quest completion[]

Return to Storm Chaser and she'll explain why she didn't make the delivery in the first place and thank the player for their help. She rewards the player with 100 bits and the player also gains 300 universal XP in all talents.

Journal: I managed to deliver the package in time. Go me!


  • The quest name "Thirty minutes or less" is based off Domino's Pizza's defunct 30-minute guarantee promotion which they stopped in 1993 due to multiple lawsuits.
  • Despite the title, there is no time limit.
    • Even if there is one, the quest would still be easily beatable without the need to be a pegasi.
  • There is a bug where the first journal entry is reflected as a missing entry after starting the quest.
    • However, the quest can still be completed without any issues.

