Legends of Equestria Wiki

NOTE: This quest can no longer be started as of 10th April 2022. It'll be made available again around Spring period.

Tomorrow, Spring is Here is a quest given by Check List at the town hall in Ponydale. It can only be accessed after the player has graduated, as Check List will not appear if the player is still a foal.

Quest initiation[]

The quest can be started by speaking to Check List, who introduces herself as the all-team organizer for Ponydale's Winter Warm-Up. She mentions that she has not been getting the support that she had requested and there is still work to be done before the town is ready for spring. If the player volunteers to help, she promises them a team vest and explains about the available teams and their tasks.

After explaining, she will ask the player to choose which one of three teams they wish to join; the Animal Team, Ground Team or Weather Team. If the player had joined all three teams before, they will be able to choose to be an All-Team Organizer. (Note that the player can only pick one team and each team have different tasks. Once they've picked one, there is no going back, so they'll have to choose wisely!)

The Animal Team[]

The Animal Team's task is to make sure that Ponydale is ready and suited for all the critters that want to come out during spring, and to wake up any hibernating critters on time for them to flourish in spring.

Check List had received reports of Naiads and Lantern Monsters gathering around Ponydale, and tasks the player to drive them away. This is to ensure that no cold-loving critters remain in the snow as they would upset the ecological balance and could also potentially be a danger to the town's ponies once they leave.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Animal team, and my first task is to help clear out the cold-loving critters who've taken up residence in town, so the hibernating animals will be safe to come out! Check also said that if I can't find enough of the critters, I should go back and talk to her again - some more might show up after that!

  • Drive off 5 Naiads

Driving off winter critters[]


The first task is to drive off five Naiads, whom have gathered around the Waterfall Tree in Ponydale due to the frozen river. Upon reaching the marked spot, five Naiads will spawn and start attacking the player. The player will have to defeat them in order to count as successfully driving them off.

After driving off the Naiads:


  • Drive off 8 Lantern Monsters

Lantern Monsters[]

After driving off the Naiads, the player has to drive off eight Lantern Monsters that appear to have emerged from the well near Clover Café. Like to the previous task, they will spawn and start attacking once the player reaches the marked spot, and the player will have to defeat them.

After driving off the Lantern Monsters:


  • Go see Check List

Collecting supplies[]

After driving off the winter critters and returning to Check List, she will mention that nest-building supplies are required in preparation for the return of the birds. As the supplies have not come in yet, she asks the player to hear over to Cantermore and check with her suppliers and obtain the supplies.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Animal team, and have helped to chase away the winter critters to make room for the ones currently hibernating. Now, I need to head over to Cantermore, to try and collect some nest-building materials from Check's contacts there!

  • Speak to Thyme
  • Speak to Hullabaloo
  • Speak to Dashing Delano

Dashing Delano[]

When the player asks Dashing Delano about the supplies, she mentions about it slipping her mind due to the material being an unfashionable item in her stock. She talks about how she invested in a trend and ended up with the unsellable foal socks, which she gives the player to be shredded and used as Nest Padding.


Hullabaloo starts talking about his plans for a get-together for the team when the player mentions that the Animal Team needs his help. The player has to remind him about Check List, where he will remember about the promise he made on giving some of his ribbons. He comes up with an idea of substituting the ribbons with another material as his stock is running low, but the player convinces him to keep his promise. As such, he hands his ribbons to the player to be used as Nest Ribbons.


When the player mentions to Thyme that they have been sent by Check List to collect the supplies, he talks about the agreement he had with Check List regarding the trading for twigs in exchange for her historical paperwork. He had forgotten about sending out the supplies, and passes the player the twigs to be used as Nest Twigs.

After collecting the supplies:


  • Return to Check List

Waking the hibernating animals[]

Upon returning to Check List with the nest-building supplies, she has one final task for the player to complete. It is time to wake up hibernating animals, and she passes the player a Hibernation Bell to do so.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Animal team, and I've helped chase away winter critters, as well as collecting nest-building materials. My last job is to wake up all the hibernating animals in Ponydale, so they can enjoy spring!

  • Near the well
  • North of SCC between two trees
  • Field near the schoolhouse
  • Near waterfall tree
  • Across the river near Evershade

Waking the animals[]

There are five locations around Ponydale where the animals are located at. The player has to simply walk over the marked spots to wake the animals up, which are revealed to be bunnies.

After waking the animals:


  • Return to Check List

Quest completion[]

After returning to Check List, she mentions that Ponydale might have to brace for a bunny stampede and considers getting a smaller bell for next year before giving the player an update on the Winter Warm-Up efforts of the other teams. She thanks the player for their help rendered in the Animal Team and rewards them with the official Winter Warm Up Animal Vest. The player also gains 50 XP in all talents.

Journal: I've finished helping Check List with Ponydale's Winter Warm-Up! All the cute critters that hibernated through the snow are awake, and the birds can now return to beautiful new nests, thanks to my efforts!

The Ground Team[]

The Ground Team's task is to keep the Evershade Forest's creatures where they belong as the cold may tempt the creatures to come out of the forest and closer to the town, while also clearing the settled snow in the town away as well as getting the river to flow again.

Check List mentions that the first task is to get the snow shifted, which they usually rely on the farm-ponies of Sweet Apple Orchard and their equipment to do so. However, the farm-ponies are being less co-operative this year, and Check List wants to player to find out what is going on and convince Spud to help out.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Ground Team, and my first task is to get the farm-ponies of Sweet Apple Orchard to help clear the snow!

  • Talk to Spud

Convincing Spud[]

Spud can be found near the carrot patch of Sweet Apple Orchard. He explains that they have only finished clearing the fields, and his helpers require some rest at the moment before starting on sowing. The player would then have to convince him to help, which he will eventually agree to.

After convincing Spud:


  • Return to Check List

Keeping Evershade's creatures away[]

After returning to Check List and updating her about the situation, she has another task for the player to complete. As mentioned previously, one of the responsibilities of the Ground Team is to keep creatures from the Evershade away from the town. As such, she tasks the player to clear the critters from the outskirts of the forest in the interest of safety.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Ground Team. I've convinced Spud to help clear the snow, and now I need to push the creatures of the Evershade away from the edges of town! Check also said that if I can't find enough of the critters, I should go back and talk to her again - some more might show up after that!

  • Remove 5 Timberwolves


The Timberwolves are located at the outskirts of the forest, within Ponydale. Upon reaching the marked spot, five Timberwolves will spawn and start attacking the player. The player will have to defeat them in order to count as successfully cleared.

After clearing the Timberwolves:


  • Remove 8 Cockatrices


After clearing the Timberwolves, the player has to clear eight Cockatrices that have moved closer to the town. Like to the previous task, they will spawn and start attacking once the player reaches the marked spot, and the player will have to defeat them.

After driving off the Cockatrices:


  • See Check List again

Breaking up the ice[]

Upon clearing the creatures and returning to Check List, she will mention that she was told that the creatures are migrating back to the forest. She has one more task for the player, which is to skate over the weak points of the Ponydale river to help break up the ice into smaller chunks to help in melting under the spring sun.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Ground Team. I've convinced Spud to help clear the snow, and driven the dangerous Evershade creatures away from town; now, I need to skate along the Ponydale river, to cut the ice up and make sure it melts!

  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot
  • Skate over the weak spot

Ice skating[]

As Check List does not provide the Ice Skates, the player will have to purchase them from merchants such as Buttercup or Marvell if they do not have the item.

There are ten locations where the weak spots are located. With the skates equipped, the player has to simply skate over the marked spots to break up the ice.

After breaking up the ice:


  • See Check List one more time

Quest completion[]

After returning to Check List, she gives the player an update on the current ground situation as well as the Winter Warm-Up efforts of the other teams. She thanks the player for their help rendered in the Ground Team and rewards them with the official Ground Team Vest. The player also gains 50 XP in all talents.

Journal: I've finished helping Check List with Ponydale's Winter Warm-Up! The ground is clear of snow the river is clear of ice, and all the wild animals of the Evershade are back where they belong!

The Weather Team[]

The Weather Team's task is to manage the wintry weather, by getting ponies to assist in clearing the snow-clouds in the area and to relay the town's weather needs with Cloudopolis. As the player will be moving around a lot, this team is a natural choice for those with Pegasus characters.

Check List mentions that there is a lot of sky to clear, and tasks the player to recruit five fellow pegasi for aid in clearing the clouds.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Weather Team. First, I need to get some volunteer pegasi to help clear the gloomy winter skies! All the pegasi in Ponydale have been marked for me, but I only need to convince 5 of them to help!

  • Find Bagels
  • Find Bastion
  • Find Captain Clean Whistle
  • Find Fireball Blitz
  • Find Private Wing Sentinel
  • Find Mercury
  • Find Tiktok

Recruiting pegasi[]

All seven pegasi in Ponydale will be marked out for the player, however they only need to ask any five of them:

With the exception of Mercury, all other pegasi will agree to help out without much hesitation. Mercury initially mentions that she does not really like the storm clouds when asked, but later reveals that she is actually scared of letting everypony down. The player can either convince her to help out, or choose to ask another pegasi instead.

After getting enough volunteers:


  • Return to Check List

Changing the weather[]

Return to Check List after getting enough volunteers. She is glad to see them stepping forward and praises the player for helping to find them. She mentions that Cloudopolis is still churning out snow-clouds and shipping them to Ponydale, and asks the player to head over to find somepony important to change the weather.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Weather Team. I found some volunteer pegasi to help clear the gloomy winter skies, and now she's asked me to head to the weather factory in Cloudopolis, find somepony important, and make sure Ponydale gets spring weather from now on!

  • Speak to somepony at the weather factory about Ponydale's weather

Endless Pie[]

Check List mentions a pony in a labcoat at the bottom of the weather factory which the player can try talking to. The pony is Endless Pie, but when the player asks her to change the weather schedule, he says that it is hardly his concern asks them to look for 'Moist Lake' upstairs instead.

After talking to Endless Pie:


  • Speak to 'Moist Lake' at the weather factory about Ponydale's weather

Dew Pond[]

'Moist Lake' is actually Dew Pond, and she asks if whether the player had tried downstairs before remembering Endless Pie is working there. She agrees to help the player, and hands them a copy of the standard spring weather manifest for rural towns where Ponydale runs on, in case Check List wants to change anything.

After talking to Dew Pond:


  • Return to Check List

Changing the manifest[]

Upon returning to Check List with the manifest, she looks for the changes that she suggested last time round, but they are not present. As such, she makes the changes and sends the player back to Cloudopolis again.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Weather Team. I found some volunteer pegasi to help clear the gloomy winter skies, and collected the weather manifest for Ponydale. Check has asked me to head back to the Cloudopolis weather factory, though, with her updated copy of the manifest.

  • Return to Dew Pond

Dew Pond[]

Dew Pond laments about the manifest being changed every year, and is surprised that Ponydale requires that much rain in the updated manifest. She accedes to the request, though mentioning that they might need a few flood warnings.

After making the changes:


  • Return to Check List

Clearing ground clouds[]

Check List thanks the player for helping to sort out the weather. However, another problem has emerged with the skies being cleared, as some of the snow-clouds have decided to come down to the ground level. She gives the player one more task to complete, which is to clear these clouds.

Journal: Check List, the All-Team Organizer for Ponydale, has enlisted my help in warming up winter! I've chosen to join the Weather Team. I found some volunteer pegasi to help clear the gloomy winter skies, and helped to organize the spring weather delivery; now I need to clear out the clouds that have drifted closer to the ground! They're hanging around to the north and north-east of the town hall. Check also said that if I can't find enough of the critters, I should go back and talk to her again - some more might show up after that!

  • Defeat 8 Snow Clouds here or at the other spot
  • Defeat 8 Snow Clouds here or at the other spot

Cloud clearing[]

There are two groups of clouds that needs to be cleared. The first group has gathered across the river from the mine, while the other group has gathered near the path to Sweet Apple Orchard. Upon reaching each of the marked spots, eight clouds will spawn and start attacking the player. The player will have to defeat them in order to count as successfully cleared.

After clearing the clouds:


  • Back to Check List!

Quest completion[]

After returning to Check List, she gives the player an update on the weather as well as the Winter Warm-Up efforts of the other teams. She thanks the player for their help rendered in the Weather Team and rewards them with the official Weather Team Vest. The player also gains 50 XP in all talents.

Journal: I've finished helping Check List with Ponydale's Winter Warm-Up! The skies are clear and the town looks beautiful, thanks to my efforts.

All-Team Organizer[]

Quest completion[]

After returning to Check List, she thanks the player for their help rendered and rewards them with the official Organizer Vest. The player also gains 50 XP in all talents.


  • The quest was first introduced during the Winter Warm-Up(date) of 2018, and was made available from 28th March 2018 till 30th October 2018[2].
  • The quest was unofficially re-activated in late March 2019, however the developers have confirmed that to be an oversight and the quest was made inaccessible again shortly after.
    • Players who completed the quest during this period are suggested to delete their character and start over again as the quest might have permanently bugged the character's phases.
  • The quest was officially re-activated for the Spring update of 2019, and was made available from 9th May 2019 till late September 2019[3][4].
  • The quest was officially re-activated for the Spring period of 2020 as part of update v. 2020.02.01, and was made available since 9th April 2020 till 15th June 2020[5][6].
  • The quest was officially re-activated for the Spring update of 2021, and was made available from 10th April 2021 till 18th May 2021[7][8].
  • The quest was officially re-activated for the Spring update of 2022, and was made available from 13th March 2022 till 10th April 2022[9][10].
  • Players who have completed the quest in the previous year(s) are able to start the quest again in subsequent re-activations of the quest.
  • The journal entry for the next task is shown right after convincing Spud to help, instead of after obtaining the task from Check List.
  • The player can ask all seven pegasi to help out in the Weather Team. However, no additional reward will be given for doing so.

