Legends of Equestria Wiki

Eagle Eye is an NPC unicorn found inside the Crystal Castle located the Crystal Kingdom. He does not wear any clothes or accessories. His talent mark is a gavel. He is involved with the quest Justice's Blind Eye.


  • "Rest is good and all, but a day i'm not working is a day people need help."
  • "Oh! I didn't see you there."
  • "No, I don't actually have visions."
  • "I assure you that everypony shall always be entitled to a Lawyer!"
  • "I wonder what the Judaical system the Breezers have?"
  • "Never trust you're memory: write it down."
  • "The clip to my brooch is worn. I'm always loosing it somewhere."
  • "Avoid Procrastinating. You either pay now, or pay later."
  • "Even a farmer has the right to be happy."
  • "I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of donuts."
  • "Looks like i'll be burning the midnight oil again tonight."
  • "I had a hunch you would need to talk to me"