Eagle Eye is an NPC unicorn found inside the Crystal Castle located the Crystal Kingdom. He does not wear any clothes or accessories. His talent mark is a gavel. He is involved with the quest Justice's Blind Eye.
- "Rest is good and all, but a day i'm not working is a day people need help."
- "Oh! I didn't see you there."
- "No, I don't actually have visions."
- "I assure you that everypony shall always be entitled to a Lawyer!"
- "I wonder what the Judaical system the Breezers have?"
- "Never trust you're memory: write it down."
- "The clip to my brooch is worn. I'm always loosing it somewhere."
- "Avoid Procrastinating. You either pay now, or pay later."
- "Even a farmer has the right to be happy."
- "I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of donuts."
- "Looks like i'll be burning the midnight oil again tonight."
- "I had a hunch you would need to talk to me"