Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

A unicorn in Cantermore.

A unicorn is a playable race in Legends of Equestria, whose most notable trait is the ability to use magic. Unicorn players start off with 350 Health, 55 Energy, 14 Health Regen, 12 Energy Regen, 307 Speed, 5 Stamina Regen, 20 Magic Casting and 20 Magic Resist at level 1.

The starting town and home for unicorns is Cantermore.

In-Game Description[]

"Often considered higher cultured than the other races, Unicorns have an affinity for magic. They have a spell for every occasion; offensive, defensive, or just for fun. This boost in magical power comes with poor defensive power, however, so unicorns will want to keep their distance from enemies."

Abilities and spells[]

Unicorns have the slowest walking, galloping and sprinting speeds in-game, only being slightly slower than Pegasus by about 1%. This is made up for by the unicorns' ability to teleport.
Unicorns are the only race that can use magic and science skills. A unicorn's horn will glow and give off a faint light while a unicorn is casting magic skills, as well as while while a unicorn is using their race exclusive basic skills Teleport and Horn Glow. The color of a unicorn's magic will match their own eye color.
Unicorns' skills are listed below, according to talents:

UnicornIcon Basic Skills []

Skills under the Basic Skills are unlocked immediately.

Icon Name Energy cost Damage dealt Tension Range Cooldown Description & Notes
GroundPoundIcon Ground Pound 15 35 +35 2 1.5 "Smash your forehooves down on your target."
This skill counts towards Combat talent XP during combat.
BubbleBarrage Bubble Barrage 15 35 -35 2 1.5 "Pony smash!"
This skill counts towards Combat talent XP during combat.
TeleportIcon Teleport 1-100 0 0 100 0.8 "Teleport over long distances"
This skill counts towards Magic talent XP during combat.
Horn Glow Icon Horn Glow 5 (continuous energy usage) 0 0 - 0 "The darkness has never been less scary!"
Telekinesis Icon Telekinesis 10 (continuous energy usage) 0 0 100 0 "Undefined"
Mine Icon Mine 0 0 0 - 0 "Dig into the ground to look for ores. Your bare hooves can do the job, but are the slowest option; holding a pickaxe in your mouth will definitely speed things up! More advanced pickaxes can't be use to excavate if your mining level is not high enough for them, so make sure you're using the right tool."
Snowball Barrage Icon Snowball Barrage 1 0 0 20 1 "Snowball"
This skill counts towards Partying talent XP during combat.

Cutie magic3 Magic[]

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
HypnosisIcon Hypnosis 1 500 "You expend some of your magical energy to sway a creature to attack your other enemies on your behalf"
Upgrades available: Enthrall, Master Puppeteer, I Need No Strings
SphereOfProtectionIcon Sphere of Protection 1 20 "You summon a sphere of protective energy around you, absorbing some of the brunt of magical attacks"
Upgrades available: Concentration, Absorption
MagicalArrowIcon Magic Arrow 1 500 "You send a focused blast of magical energy damaging your target"
Upgrades available: Compound Bow, Lingering Damage
RainbowFieldsIcon Poseys and Prickleys 1 20 You can summon forth plants imbued with magical essence to pacify or incite your opponents"
Upgrades available: Pacify, Quell
Enchant Item Enchant Item 1 0 "Use magic and various materials to enchant items in your inventory."

Cutie tubes1Science[]

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
Foresight Foresight 1 30 "You gain a better idea of what you are researching."
Extrapolator Extrapolator 1 500 "Your analysis of the research trend allows you to better predict what items will be required next."'
Nondestructive testing Nondestructive Testing 1 40 "Careful handling of your research materials provides you a slightly better chance of preserving them during research."'
Potionsmaster Potions Master 1 500 "You gain a small chance of brewing a concentrated potion, providing more intense effects to the drinker."'
Arcane engineer Arcane Engineer 1 20 "You discover a quirk in the assembly runes that occasionally allows you two craft twice as many items with the same raw materials."'
Catalysis Catalysis 1 20 "Experience allows you to work faster in your creative scientific endeavors"'

Cutie green cross Medical []

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
Resusicon Resuscitation 1 500 "You can revive your friends to fight longer or at least let them get away"
Upgrades available: Field Medic, Invigoration
Transfusionicon Transfusion 1 500 "Your aura of healing powers drains vitality from your foes, and strengthens your allies at their expense"
Upgrades available: Expanded Transfusion, Mass Transfusion, Enhanced Transfusion
Auraicon Regenerative Aura 1 20 "You activate a healing aura which reinvigorates you and your allies"
Upgrades available: Just a Scratch, A Lot of Scratches
Triageicon Triage 1 500 "You are adept at recognizing injuries and responding promptly"
Upgrades available: Ranged Healing, Trauma Team, Code Blue

Cutie party hat2 Partying[]

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
Change of Heart Icon Change of Heart 1 500 "Get your opponents to loosen up. Calm down the angry ones, and energize the timid ones"
Upgrade available: Life of the Party
SugarCrash Sugar Crash 1 500 "Your Party Powers are able to drive ponies to Sugar Crashes with too much candy, pacifying them against giving you any trouble about it"
Upgrades available: Sugar Stun, Party Pooper
PillowBarrage Pillow Barrage 1 20 "You pummel your opponents with pillows, but somehow it calms them down. But I mean really, who can be mad in a pillowfight?"
Upgrades available: Seeing Stars, King of the Pillow Fort, Put the Can’t in Incantation
CandyShower Candy Shower 1 20 "You rain down candy upon your opponent, distracting and disorienting them"
Upgrade available: Candy Overload

Cutie sword1 Combat[]

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
SeismicBuckIcon Seismic Buck 1 20 "Hit the opponent nearest to you with an earth-shattering kick, sending out a shockwave which can disorient nearby opponents"
Upgrades available: Shockwave, Aftershock
AdrenalineSurgeIcon Adrenaline Surge 1 500 "Your attacks build a surge of adrenaline which you can unleash suddenly to damage and disorient your opponents"
Upgrades available: Stunning Blow, Rumble, Short Fuse
Jeering ShoutIcon Jeering Shout 1 500 "Taunt a specific opponent to draw his attention away from your allies"
Upgrades available: Get 'em Angry, Verbal Jousting
Stored Strike Icon Stored Strike 1 20 "Store up power from your opponents attack and unleash it back at them"
Upgrades available: Storage, Strike

Advantages and Disadvantages[]


  • Teleportation spell with a limited range, which is one of the fastest methods of movement. Furthermore, teleportation consumes energy rather than stamina, allowing for unicorns to alternate between running and teleporting
  • Various types of magic spells that are helpful while fighting
  • Can enchant artifacts to add helpful effects to them
  • Can use Science talent to research and create items that are helpful to all pony races


  • Tied with pegasus for lowest base stats (except for speed)
  • Slowest walking, galloping and sprinting speeds of the three pony races
  • Magic skills can be very energy-hungry for lower level unicorns that haven't increased their maximum energy much


For over 5,000 years, humans have depicted or described Unicorns, less in their myths than in their natural history references. There are various theories about where the descriptions came from, including the idea that it's a mangled description of an Elasmotherium, rhinoceros, or gazelle.

