In the game, there are 12 different talent classes, each can be trained by performing various activities related to that talent. But in the Talent article, it's said to have 16 unique classes [as shown in the Navbox Talents], I can't be the only who wonder if the 4 remaining talent classes will be added to the game or not?
Music, Economic, Writing and Fashion are the 'only' Talent classes that are 'shown' in LOE Wiki and not in the game, yet.
I have these thoughts of what activities they have and how they 'might' work in the game (WARNING; Everything here is all just theory briefs about them, they are no confirmations about them and they are either made up or predications by me):
If Music Talent is Added[]
- Remember the instruments you come across? Perhaps there is a reason to why they have no function(yet), but can be bought and sold to NPC's.
If Economic Talent is Added[]
- I don't know much about economics, but I think is something to do if productions and calculations are involved, and that the bank will be available to store Bits.
If Writing Talent is Added[]
- It might be related to the Books, they do have a lot of words that forms them into good and interesting stories and historical accounts. Maybe a blank book item might even be added to the game.
If Fashion Talent is Added[]
- Who doesn't like dressing up our pony character in our own favorite style, especially when
theyhave the option to recolor them. Maybe they'll be made the same way as how Armors are made[except it'll be through sewing].