Legends of Equestria Wiki

Vida Ventura is an Earth pony NPC found standing near the market district of Cantermore. Judging by his dialogue and talent mark, he appears to be a cartographer.


  • "Yo"
  • "A map can lead to many things, my friend. Good things, bad things, treasure, despair... what lies beneath the X?"
  • "Sometimes I like to... just listen to the trees, the wind, the running water. Life is beautiful in those little moments."
  • "An explorer must be inquisitive. He must ask questions. He must climb the mountain to see over the other side. He must seek that which is not yet known, and make it known! And then he must write it all down after he's stopped forgetting!"
  • "Luxury, adventure, excitement, these are things for the young... or the passionate."
  • "There is nothing like the feeling of soft, Corinthian leather."
  • "There is still quite a lot out there to discover, caballito. Many things to see for the first time."
  • "Map making takes a steady hoof, careful lines, precision, and a long attention span."
  • "Greetings, young one. What are you seeking today?"