Welcome to Equestria is the initial quest that everypony starts the game with. It is not a part of the Foal Story Arc though it leads into that quest series.
Talk to the appropriate teacher: Frizzy Stradlin for earth ponies, Starburst Nova for unicorns, or Windhover for pegasi.
Journal: Congratulations, you've taken your first steps into the wide world of Equestria! To star off, you should talk to (TEACHER), your teacher. They can help introduce you to Equestria. Instruct you on how to get around and use your abilities, and get you started on the right track. They'll teach you about earning your talent mark, growing up, and even direct you to your classmates, who might have adventures of their own planned to help you learn more about what a pony can do! You can interact with your teacher, and everypony else in Equestria, by using your mouse buttons. If you'd like to change that, or just want to check how the rest of the controls work, you can always take a look at them in the options menu in the bottom right of the scree. Look for the yellow exclamation above your (TEACHER)'s head, and have fun! - Ellowee
- Talk to (TEACHER)