Legends of Equestria Wiki

A Whipped Cream Pie is an item that can be purchased from the NPC merchant Silver Platter inside Sugarcane Corner for 22 bits, or baked at an oven.


Learned From: (Look here for Whipped Cream Pie Recipe)

Cooking Level Requirement: 10 (Basic)

Made at: Oven

Crafting Time: 2 Seconds

Experience Gained on Success: 660 xp

Ingredients Amount
Pie Crust x1
Whipped Cream x2


The following is a table of effects given to the player when consumed:

Stat Regular Gourmet Duration (seconds)
Health +120 +144
Speed +20% +24% 120s


  • Whipped cream or custard pies are the traditional ammunition for pieing (the act of mashing a pie-like confection into someone's face).