Yaba Baga is a mysterious witch seen outside the Shaman's Hut in the Evershade Forest. She tends to wonder around and does not attack the player, though it may be because her attack animations aren't developed yet.
Yaba Baga appears to be some sort of duck-like creature, wearing a red bandanna and a purple dress with 2 dark pink stripes across the end of the sleeves, and has 3 dark pink stripes at the hem.
- "Run along little pony, I have nothing for you right now..."
- Judging by her appearance and name, there's a small chance she may be a reference to Baba Yaga, a supernatural being from slavic culture that is a witch.
- The author died in 1942, so this work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 80 years or fewer.